Hey guys! I'm sorry I went MIA for about 2 years. My mental health was at a low. I'm no sure how many of you know this but I have anxiety and depression. Which affects every aspect of my life and things I once enjoyed become harder and harder to enjoy. I don't find the enjoyment and fullfillment I once found in it. So yeah that's why I've been gone. I also found it a chore to keep reading but I'm back and while I might not do reviews all the time I will try getting back to doing the reviews so please be patient. I may next month or this depending on when Mental Health Awarness month is put up a new poem called Z"I want to die" a line from a song called "Hated by life itself" inspired me.
signing off (but will post again today),
(Before you ask the GIF is of my favorite anime and manga charater from My Hero Academia Shoto Todoroki)