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To Kill a Mockingbird

This book is one of the classics and it is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! This book is... I have no words because it's that awesome so I'll say what it is about (I will try not to put spoilers in here). It's back in 40s or 50s (IDK which so does my mom. She loves the book and movie and Natalie loves the book). Scout is funny but Dill OMG is so much funnier he preposed to her at like 9 or 7 years old LOL that made me laugh so hard (sorry bout the spoiler had to throw it in BTW scout is a girl her real name is Jean Louis). SO it's mainly about a trail of a black man accused of rape but it seriously awesome. I'm gonna stop before I give the whole book away. Main characters are Jem(Scout's brother) Atticus(who is a lawyer, Scout and Jem's dad) Cal (a black girl who is a severing like for Jem and Scout b/c Scout and Jem's mom died Atticus I think hired her to help out she is like a mom to Jem and Scout).

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